Z-Man Games Carcassonne Mini Expansion 6 : The Robbers (2012) NIB
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New in box copy of Carcassonne Mini Expansion 6 The Robber.
In Carcassonne: The Robber, a small expansion for Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles bearing a robber symbol are mixed with the other tiles at the start of the game.
Whenever a player draws one of these tiles, he places it as normal according to the standard rules, then he places his robber figure – a special meeple included in this expansion – on the score track next to the score marker of any other player. The next player in turn order who has a robber off the scoring track also places a robber adjacent to the score marker of any opponent.
Whenever a score marker accompanied by a robber moves on the score track, the owner of the robber moves his own score marker forward half that many spaces, rounded up, then removes his robber from the score track. (The one exception: If a player moves his score marker by robbing someone else, any robbers on that space move with that player's score marker and wait to rob that player following a normal scoring.) If two or more score markers are on the same space with a robber and both score, the robber's owner can choose who to rob. Part of the Carcassonne series.