Common Knowledge Used Board Game (1983)

Availability: In stock

Common Knowledge is a Trivial Pursuit-like game, involving the rolling of dice and the answering of questions (categories: Academy, Amusement, Games, General, Dictionary, Spelling, True/False). A correctly answered question earns players cash. Players can also choose to make each question multiple choice(guess), lessening the monetary reward for a correct answer. The cash is used to buy sets of books (printed on cards) upon landing on certain spots on the board which, when put together, form a complete set of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Questions tend to be more difficult than your run-of-the-mill trivia game. For example: L.Dombrowski of East Germany won the 1980 Olympic Long Jump with 8.54 meters. How many meters did Ya Uudmae of the U.S.S.R. jump to win the triple jump (within 2 meters)? But questions like this are to 'weight' the game's balance and are easier if the multiple choice option has been used. In any event to guess within two meters is not that difficult.

Used copy of Common Knowledge (1983).
Lid is marked and has moderate amount of wear.
Cards are unpunched.


Overall Game Condition : 7
Box Lid: 5
Box Bottom: 6
Contents: 7
Cards: 8
Board: 7
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