Waddingtons Lancer Used Board Game (1973)

Availability: In stock

"Lancer is a fast-moving strategy game that combines the best parts of checkers and Chinese checkers, with original variations of its own. It is played on a board of hexagons, so that movement and capture can take place in six different directions. Any number of captures can be made in one turn and pieces may jump over their own men. The game includes two playing surfaces, one on each side of the board-one for two players, one for three players"


Used copy of Lancer 1973

Box - Has moderate wear, bottom of the box has damage major dent top right and a small hole middle left. 

Content- Light ware and an extra green piece.

Board is in excellent shape. 

Overall Game Condition : (Rated 1-10)
Box Lid: 6
Box Bottom: 7
Contents: 9
Cards: 9
Board: 9
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