A Copp Clack Game Stock Ticker est (1970s)

Availability: In stock

The object of the game is to buy and sell stocks, and by so doing accumulate a greater amount of money than the other players. The winner is decided by setting a time limit at the start of the game, and is the person having the greatest amount of money when time elapses, after selling his stocks back to the Broker at their final market value.



Used copy of Stock Ticker est (1970s) edition

Box - Is a bit beat up, Torn corners and taped up, 

Bottom box slightly peeling on one corner. 

Content- 2 Stock token have been replace with the correct color moderate/heavy wear on money and stocks. Dice slight faded.

Board - moderate wear on the board. 


Overall Game Condition : 4
Box Lid: 3
Box Bottom: 4
Contents: 4
Cards: NA
Board: 6
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